Beauty Theory



As we age, it’s normal to notice changes in the appearance of skin. Thankfully, attaining a more youthful appearance has never been easier with the use of injectables. Versatile and safe, dermal fillers are an increasingly popular option for achieving results in little to no downtime.

Whether you’re looking to add volume, address deep creases, or create a more balanced facial profile, our staff is ready to help. All of our fillers are minimally invasive, and bruising for most is unnoticeable. With such a wide selection of fillers on the market, there truly is the perfect product for everyone!

If you’re interested in an alternative to filler, Beauty Theory also offers a number of dermal filler alternatives to keep you feeling youthful. Our facials and skin care products are designed to promote healthy skin and combat signs of aging.


Of all the medspa treatments available to fight fine lines and wrinkles, Neurotoxin injection is one of the most popular.


Dermal fillers restore a youthful appearance through volumizing soft tissues that diminish over time due to the aging process.


Biostimulators are next-generation injectable that targets deep wrinkles, sagging skin, and even acne scarring.

What is the difference between Neurotoxins and Fillers?

Neurotoxin injections, like Botox, reduces fine lines and wrinkles by temporarily paralyzing small muscle groups using the neurotoxin botulinum toxin. Filler does just what the name says, and fills in wrinkles and deep lines. Filler is also used to address volume loss and enhance areas like the lips and cheeks. Filler can also be used in the jawline, tear troughs, and smile lines.

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