SweatControl Patch
Brella Sweat Control Patch
Say goodbye to the discomfort and embarrassment caused by excessive sweating with Brella, the revolutionary 3-minute SweatControl Patch. Designed to provide you with quick and effective relief, Brella is your ultimate companion in managing hyperhidrosis and regaining confidence in your daily life.

What is Brella?
The Brella 3-Minute SweatControl Patch is a new, FDA-cleared in-office approach to sweat control that is safe, quick, comfortable, non-invasive, needle-free, aluminum-free, and affordable, with results lasting three to four months and longer in some. After just one treatment, the Patch targets your overactive sweat glands to significantly reduce sweat production due to primary axillary hyperhidrosis.
What to Expect at Your Appointment
This non-invasive treatment is a quick, comfortable process done in our office. We will apply a single-use, disposable 3-minute SweatControl patch to your underarm for up to three minutes. The treated area may start to feel warm as the time passes after the Patch is applied. You may also feel some sensations such as pins and needles or stinging, which is an indication that the Patch is interacting with your sweat. The Patch will be removed after the first underarm is treated and a new patch will be applied to your other underarm.
Benefits of Brella SweatControl Patch
- A dramatic reduction with sweat production cut nearly in half after one single treatment
- Significant improvement in confidence including reduced feelings of frustration and embarrassment
- Reducted sweat production may lead to a reduction in the number of showers multiple times a day, high dry-cleaning bills, frequency of applying antiperspirant, need to frequently replace stained shirts and tops, or need to carry an extra change of clothing
- A safe, effective, and versatile treatment for all skin types with no downtime, so you can resume your normal routine following your treatment

Frequently Asked Questions
Am I a Brella Candidate?
If you are an adult who is consistently bothered by excessive underarm sweating even when you are not exercising or are too hot, Brella could be right for you.
Is Brella approved by the FDA?
Yes, Brella is the first and only FDA-cleared 3-Minute SweatControl Patch significantly reducing excessive underarm sweating due to primary axillary hyperhidrosis after a single in-office treatment. In a rigorous trial, Brella was proven to be effective, safe, and well tolerated to cut sweat production by half while improving confidence and daily living.
Who would not be eligible for treatment with Brella?
- Certain individuals would not be eligible for Brella treatment, including children or adolescents who have excessive underarm sweating.
- If you are an adult who has excessive sweating related to another medical condition or in body areas other than the underarms.
- If you are an adult with an active skin irritation or infection at the treatment site, or with any abrasions, nicks, or cuts at the treatment site.
- Please tell your provider if you have shaved your underarms within the last 48 hours.
How long does Brella last?
Brella is proven to significantly reduce excessive underarm sweating after. A single treatment with results lasting three to four months. Some people have longer-lasting results; individual results will vary.
Is it safe to use on all skin types?
Yes, Brella works on all skin types and is proven to be safe and well-tolerated.
Is Brella for anyone? (age, gender, race, ethnicity)
Brella is for adults, regardless of their skin type, who are consistently bothered by excessive underarm sweating even when they are not exercising or are too hot.
What happens during a Brella treatment?
The Brella 3-Minute SweatControl Patch consists of a sodium sheet with an adhesive backing. When the Patch is applied to the underarm, the sodium comes in contact with the water in your sweat, generating heat. The heat precisely targets your underarm sweat glands to significantly reduce sweat production.
How long does Brella take to work? When will I see results?
Many patients see results within a few days. It is important to understand that this treatment reduces excessive underarm sweating. It will not stop sweating completely. If you exercise or are in a hot/muggy climate, you may still sweat in your underarms.
How do I prepare for my Brella treatment?
You will need to shave or clip your underarms at least 48 hours before treatment. On the day of your appointment, wear loose-fitting clothing (such as a tank top). Make sure you drink plenty of water so you are hydrated. Avoid wearing deodorant or antiperspirant to the appointment, if possible.
Watch this short video to learn more about how the Brella SweatControl Patch works.